Ein Name II Ein Programm II Eine Philosophie


Crossover - The name is program

                                                                                                                  Click here for german

When you think of an orchestra or brass band, you probably have very clear images and, above all, sounds in your head.

The Crossover Orchestra Westpfalz has set itself the goal of connecting new images and sounds with these two terms in its audiences. Founded in 1928 as the orchestra of the Musikverein Otterbach, it has a very long tradition, but has always had the courage to try something new.

For the orchestra, crossover means combining the traditional with the modern. Rock and pop, choirs, singers, electric guitar are just as much part of it as the classic line-up of a brass band.

The symbiosis of both creates a unique sound experience and an extraordinary stage atmosphere. Experience it yourself.

Next Concerts:

22nd December 2024 // Concert at Christmans // Location tba.

More Information coming soon here or at our facebook-page.

We looking forward to great concerts.


See some pictures from Concerts of the Crossover Orchester Westpfalz.
Klick here.


See some videos from Concerts of the Crossover Orchester Westpfalz.
Klick here .

Interest to join?

Musician an interestet to join us? The rehearsels tak eplace on FRiday from 7:30 pm until 10 pm in the Kath. Pfarrheim, Am Wäldchen 12 in KL-Siegelbach.

Opinions above the Concerts and the Orchestra

KL Proms 2019

It was an honor for me to be on stage with such an orchestra and to make music together. I'm looking forward to the other concerts.

Ale Martin - Tenor

Concert at Christmas

A unique concert experience. Great atmosphere, great music, great show. We will come back again next year.


Volkspark 2019

A very nice concert in a wonderful atmosphere. There is no better way to spend a summer evening.

Michael Hasslinger - Press
